Mandated Reporter

Did you know that as a volunteer of a youth sports organization you are considered a “Mandated Reporter” and are legally required to report to Law Enforcement or Child Protective Services ANY time you reasonably suspect that a child is at risk for abuse or neglect? Failure to report is punishable by law. 

Georgia code O.C.G.A.§ 19-7-5 requires Mandated reporters to contact the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) if they have reasonable cause to believe that a child known to them is suspected of being abused or neglected. Calls should be made to 1-855-422-4453. In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1.

If you are a mandated reporter, it is your legal obligation to report your suspicions to your local county DFCS office or to your organization or agency's designated reporter. Familiarize yourself with state law on agency designated reporters (19-7-5) and your agency's policy on reporting suspected abuse or neglect. If you do not have a policy, advocate for one to be implemented. 

It is not your role to investigate injuries or anything the child has told you.

You are the critical link!
The responsibility for protecting our children rests with all of us, but as a mandated reporter, you play a unique role in ensuring the safety of our children and strengthening families. Remember - A child is helpless; you are not.

We HIGHLY recommend that all PBC Sports and Norcross Roller Hockey Volunteers complete this free online training class

NRH Safety Guidelines

In order to do our part to ensure your child’s safety, NRH Committee is posting the following safety guidelines regarding NRH hosted events. NRH hosted events are considered any event in which NRH has publicized as a “drop off event” i.e. camps, half/full day clinics.  Regular season hockey practices and games are NOT considered drop-off events.  Open skate nights are also not considered a drop off event. For non-drop off events, you remain the responsible guardian for your child.

NRH Committee/Coaches requirements:

  • NRH Committee members and coaches will undergo a background check
  • NRH Committee members and coaches will undergo a prevention training
  • NRH Committee members and Coaches will attempt to limit one to one interaction with a minor while being in an observable and interruptible distance of another adult.
  • Committee members and Coaches may not utilize the facility restroom while occupied by minors. 


  • For drop-off events, parents must sign a drop - off form and indicate who is permitted to pick up your child if not parent dropping off
  • Due to our facilities being affiliated with the Gwinnett County Parks and Recreation system and the premises open to the public, kids will be encouraged to visit the bathroom in pairs, so child is not entering the bathroom facility alone.
  • It is ultimately the parent/child’s responsibility to gear-up.  Committee/Coaches may assist with gear adjustments i.e. helmet, shin guards, knee pads, goalie pads… if needed, however, assistance must be done observably.