High School Leagues

At NRH our goal is to provide fun and competitive hockey for all ages and skill levels.
Our High School leagues are for more advanced players who have played in the Youth Leagues and are interested in playing in a more competitive "Travel Lite" type program.
These teams may also play other HS teams in and around the Greater Atlanta Metro Area.
We would like to assemble a competitive High School team that can play House games and participate in the MARHL games.
If you know of a High School that is interested in working with us and maybe allow players to earn a Varsity Letter please let us know.
MARHL (Metro Atlanta Roller Hockey League) is an association of Atlanta roller hockey clubs that exists for our house teams to compete against one another.
Please be aware that playing on the MARHL Team requires a commitment to play monthly games from Sept - April
Substitutions are not allowed after the halfway point of the season
Photo Albums
Please find links below to all of our Photo Albums on Flickr
Photos are available to download on the Flickr App on your phone or on a laptop/desktop computer
All photos taken by Paul Peterson

Fall 2021 High School Game Gophers vs. Bruins

Winter 2020 MARHL HS Game